The More Than A Number Pledge
I recognise the importance of children growing up in safe and loving families, where they are supported to thrive through personalised, nurturing care - care that institutions such as orphanages, by their very nature, cannot provide. I recognise that the philanthropic community has the power to help create a world in which every child’s right to a family life is being met, and children are prevented from the fate of a childhood in an institution.
I pledge to:
Continue to learn about the realities of institutional care for children, including the drivers and alternative solutions. I will turn this learning into meaningful action.
Listen to the voices of children, young people and families with lived experience and support child-centred and child-led interventions. Where possible and appropriate, I will work to amplify those voices.
Commit resources and funds to work which keeps children in families. If my resources and funds have previously supported institutions, I will safely and sustainably redirect them, using the guidance provided by this campaign and other experts.*
Be a champion of this campaign, using my platform proactively to spread its messages, and sharing what I’ve learnt with my peers.
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